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Photo Studio Availability

Scheduling Time in Our Studio

If you need to schedule a photo shoot in our studio you’ve come to the right place!

The studio is available to current and advanced photo students during lab hours, unless it has been booked or if the school is closed. Please check your email and academic calendar for school or lab closures.

First, please view availability on the calendar below before scheduling a space. You can schedule one of three areas in the studio. Find the links to each area’s booking website under the calendar.

There are many rules posted around the studio and you must follow all of them. Not reading the rules is not an excuse and breaking them may get you banned from the studio.

  • If you book a specific area you MUST work in that area unless there is no one else booked in the studio at that time.
  • Each student in the studio needs to book their own area. Students can not share the same area.
  • You are not permitted to allow guests or models to handle any equipment.
  • If you book the time, use all of the time.
  • If you don’t show up, you can be banned from using the studio for two weeks.
  • No more than two hours should be booked at a time. At least two hours must pass before you can book the studio again unless prior arrangements have been made with your photo teacher, Mark, or Terry.
  • Our lab monitors can help you with equipment check out but it is your responsibility to learn how to use the equipment properly and safely from your photo teachers.
  • If you do not know how to use equipment, you can not use it.
  • You can only book time within two weeks of the current day.
  • Need to cancel? Check your confirmation email for the link to cancel or manage your booking.

Area Number Change

The spaces in the studio are numbered. The space closest to the door is now Area 1 and the space at the far end is Area 3!


This is the area of the studio closest to the door and includes the tabletop.


This is the space in the middle of the studio. It has only one setup for use.


This is the space of the studio at the far end of the entrance and includes 3 separate backdrops for use.