Portfolio Requirements
Graduate from the CAT program with an AAS degree
In order to graduate from the CAT program with an AAS degree, ALL students MUST submit and PASS a portfolio for review by professionals in the industry. This Portfolio Review will occur at the end of the semester in which students take the Folio class. It is a required submission and MUST occur BEFORE students will be allowed to take the Practicum class.
Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in the Folio class after their level four class in their chosen option/track. If that is not possible, students may enroll in the Folio class during the same semester in which they enroll in level four of their respective areas of study. For example, if you are enrolled in Advertising Design IV, you can also enroll in the Folio class or if you take Photography IV then you can take Folio in the same semester. The Folio class will prepare you for the review process and will allow you to prepare any additional portfolio pieces you still may need for submission, on Portfolio Review Day, of your final portfolio for graduation. Keep in mind that level four in any area of study can be very intense and rigorous. That coupled with the rigors and intensity of preparing your final portfolio in the Folio class can be and has been overwhelming to students. While you can take both classes in the same semester it is not necessarily a wise thing to do.
Submit your final portfolio for review
At the end of the Folio class, you will submit your final portfolio for review. This is a big deal. Students will dress appropriately with business casual attire and will attend the Portfolio Review on the designated date. Students will get an opportunity to meet with and talk to professionals in the field. This is a good chance for students to network a bit and pass out their business cards to people who hire our students. The Folio class instructor will provide you with details during the Folio class.
If a student wishes to complete two or more options (in Design, Photography, and/or Filmmaking) they MUST submit a separate portfolio for each area of study. Usually this will not occur in the same semester but it could. Students completing two or more options DO NOT have to complete more than one Practicum class. A student attempting to complete two or more options MUST receive a passing grade for each portfolio in order to receive the second/third credential on their transcript.
Students wishing to submit for the Review Board on Portfolio Day must adhere to the following guidelines:
- You must complete and submit an Intent to Submit form (ask teacher – link coming soon) with the Folio class instructor, before midterm of the semester in which you intend to submit.
- With instruction and guidance from the Folio instructor, prepare your portfolio.
- Two weeks prior to the Portfolio Review date, submit your portfolio and a Faculty Approval for Portfolio Review form (Right-click and save or download) to faculty members. Your portfolio must be reviewed for final adjustments or improvements by all full-time program faculty members. Faculty members will review your portfolio and give you feedback on how you can improve your portfolio before the Portfolio Day Review. The faculty member will also sign and annotate your form. This process is not meant to redo your entire portfolio but, rather to make minor improvements overall.
- All work submitted for the Portfolio Day Review must be submitted in a clean and neat professional portfolio case. The case must be black. It can be made of cardboard or leather so long as it is professional looking. Portfolios will not be accepted for the Review if turned in without a black portfolio case.
- You will download and complete the “name” section of the Portfolio Review Evaluation form (Right-click and save or download) and include it with your portfolio submission. Fill it out as directed on the form with YOUR NAME, PR (for Portfolio Review), DATE OF REVIEW, YOUR AREA OF SUBMISSION (Photo, Design, Web, or Video)
- If you fail to adhere to any of these guidelines you may not be allowed to submit for that semester.
Following are the final portfolio requirements for the AAS degree in design and photography:
- Advertising Design Portfolio Requirements
- Commercial Photography Portfolio Requirements
- Webpage Design Portfolio Requirements (Coming soon)
Degree Options
- For current students enrolled prior to Spring 2025 semester:
CAT Curriculum PDF - For new students starting in and after January 2025:
2025 CAT Curriculum PDF