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As a professional designer, photographer, or filmmaker you should be a member of one or more of these professional organizations.

American Advertising Federation

The American Advertising Federation has a whole lot of stuff that you should be looking at, and it’s all right here.

American Advertising Federation Student Resources

The AAF provides students with opportunities to gain valuable insights into the world of advertising, make connections with industry professionals, and discover internship and job opportunities that will help propel your advertising career forward.

American Advertising Federation of Louisville 

The American Advertising Federation of Louisville has a lot to offer students. Not only can you get involved in the ADDY Competitions, you can earn scholarships, attend professional development seminars and basically hobnob with the powers that be in the advertising world.

Professional Photographers Association

The Professional Photographers Association has lots of How To’s and other educational benefits and discounts.


The AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) is an American professional organization for design that has job listings, salary surveys, freelancing issues, business issues, copyright info, compensation, and much, much more. Just a whole bunch of information for the blossoming advertising professional. You should visit this site every day.

AIGA Louisville

The AIGA Louisville, formerly Louisville Graphic Design Association, sponsors The Show as well as great professional development opportunities for students and professionals. It’s pretty inexpensive for students to be members. You should do it. You can create a free account with AIGA Louisville to see possible job opportunities.